MFU full board opposes Project 2025 proposals

ST. PAUL – Members of Minnesota Farmers Union’s (MFU) full board voted to oppose the Project 2025 proposals for farm programs and rural America at their Aug. 17 meeting.

Project 2025 calls for several changes to federal agricultural policy, including:

  • Repealing Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) and cutting support for crop insurance.
  • Repealing the federal sugar program, which helps provide a stable market for sugar beet farmers.
  • Eliminating the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), which helps protect marginal and highly erodible lands.
  • Removing nutrition programs from the Farm Bill.
  • Repealing USDA Market Access Program, which helps develop trading partnerships.

“With farmers already having to deal with low prices and more extreme weather events, the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 would be another disaster for farmers and rural communities,” said MFU President Gary Wertish. “Minnesota Farmers Union’s full board took a stand supporting family farmers and rural communities by passing this resolution.”

The MFU full board is comprised of county Farmers Union leaders from across the state. They gather twice a year to hear program updates and discuss issues. At this meeting, Goodhue County President Danny Lundell made a motion to adopt the resolution, which calls on future presidential administrations to reject the Project 2025 proposals for agriculture and rural America in favor of policies that support farmers and build a rural economy that is distributed, resilient and fair.

About Minnesota Farmers Union

Minnesota Farmers Union works to protect and enhance the economic interests and quality of life of family farmers and ranchers and rural communities. MFU is a nonprofit membership-based organization. Membership is open to everyone. Learn more and join at and follow MFU on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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