Press Releases

Tim Velde receives National Farmers Union award

ST. PAUL – Yellow Medicine County farmer Tim Velde received the Bruce Miller Award at the 122nd anniversary convention of the National Farmers Union (NFU) held last month in Scottsdale,…

MFU urges Congress to fund DOJ’s antitrust work

ST. PAUL – Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) today sent a letter to members of Minnesota’s Congressional delegation urging members to work to eliminate language in the recently unveiled federal budget…

MFU Lobby Day 2024
MFU members gather for lobby day

ST. PAUL – More than 75 Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) members traveled to St. Paul on Feb. 20 for MFU’s Lobby Day. Members met with policymakers, including Gov. Tim Walz,…

MFU outlines policy priorities for 2024 session

ST. PAUL – Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) anticipates another busy legislative session in 2024. The session convenes Feb. 12 in what is typically considered a bonding year, with the two-year…

Apply to MFU Foundation for Co-ops for Climate grants

ST. PAUL – The application period is now open for the Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) Foundation Cooperatives for Climate grant program. The pilot grant program aims to support cooperatives that…

MFU Foundation offers loans to help small meat processors

ST. PAUL – Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) Foundation is now accepting loan applications from meat processors. The Foundation has a total of $900,000 in revolving loan funds to distribute to…

MFU members adopt special orders, elect national delegates

ST. PAUL – Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) members adopted special orders and elected delegates to the National Farmers Union Convention at their 82nd annual state convention, held Nov. 17-19 in…

MFU to host annual convention Nov. 17-19

ST. PAUL – Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) members from across the state will gather Nov. 17-19 for the 82nd annual Minnesota Farmers Union State Convention. The convention will be held…

Farmer’s share of Thanksgiving turkey remains at 6 cents a pound

ST. PAUL – The farmer’s share of the cost of the turkey that is the centerpiece of many Thanksgiving feasts is 6 cents per pound, according to USDA’s National Agricultural…

Leif Fixen, Ariel Kagan and Lucas Sjostrom
USDA Under Secretary addresses climate-smart group

ST. PAUL – Robert Bonnie, USDA Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation, gave opening remarks at a meeting of the Minnesota Working Group for Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities held…