Press Releases

Agriculture funding bills headed to conference committee

ST. PAUL – A bill funding the state’s agriculture department and related programs is on its way to conference committee following a vote today on the House floor. The House…

Former MFU President honored by National Farmers Union

SAN FRANCISCO – Former Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) President Doug Peterson received a meritorious service award from National Farmers Union (NFU) at its 121st anniversary convention, held March 5-7 in…

Grain indemnity fund legislation passes ag committees

ST. PAUL – Grain indemnity fund legislation long-supported by Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) members has cleared the ag committees in both chambers. “MFU members have advocated for a grain indemnity…

Vilsack announces proposed changes to labeling rule

SAN FRANCISCO – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced several initiatives during his address to the National Farmers Union (NFU) members gathered in San Francisco, Calif., for their 121st annual…

MFU President attends White House event

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) President Gary Wertish today attended a Communities in Action: Building a Better Minnesota event at the White House. Wertish talked about the importance…

Cooperative development grant bill heard in Senate committee

ST. PAUL – A bill to fund cooperative development grants was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus agriculture bill after a hearing in the Senate Committee on Agriculture,…

Minnesota Farmers Union members gather for lobby day

ST. PAUL – Nearly 60 Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) members traveled to St. Paul on Tuesday for MFU’s Lobby Day. Members visited with legislators and heard from several speakers, including…

MFU member calls for MinnesotaCare public option

ST. PAUL – Today, Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) testified before the Minnesota House Commerce Committee in support of House File 96, Representative Jamie Long’s bill to expand MinnesotaCare with a…

MFU supports bill to increase hospital merger oversight

ST. PAUL – Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) Vice President Anne Schwagerl today testified before a joint hearing of the House Commerce and Health Committees. The committees held the joint hearing…

Walz budget includes Minnesota Care buy-in option

ST. PAUL – Today, the Walz-Flanagan administration announced their full budget proposal, which includes key Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) priorities. “Last week at Minnesota Ag Expo, I met with Gov. Walz…