Washington County Farmers Union Convention

Gorman's Restaurant 11011 Stillwater Blvd., Lake Elmo, MN, United States

The Washington County Farmers Union annual convention is 6 p.m. July 19 at Gorman's Restaurant, 11011 Stillwater Blvd., Lake Elmo. Contact Glen Hanson for more information.

Join or Die film screening

North Branch Area Library 6355 379th St., North Branch, MN, United States

What: Film Screening of Join or Die for East Central Minnesota Farmers Union members When: 6-9 p.m. Oct. 22; Film screening begins at 6 p.m. followed at 7:45 p.m. by film discussion led by county leaders. Light snacks provided. Where: The community room of the North Branch Library, 6355 379th St., North Branch. What's Join…