Minnesota Working Group for Climate-Smart Commodities

Climate-Smart Working Group

cover cropThe Minnesota Working Group for Climate-Smart Commodities met for the third time on July 17 to discuss updates on projects and learn from others' successes and challenges.

The Minnesota Working Group is coordinated by Minnesota Farmers Union in partnership with Edge Dairy, Minnesota Milk and The Nature Conservancy.

What's the group's focus?

Minnesota is listed on more than 25 of the USDA’s Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities grants. Grants range in size from $5 million to $90 million. Recruiting farmers into these programs is a primary goal of these projects. Attracting a skilled workforce to assist farmers is another goal of this working group.

Coordination among project stakeholders is critical for the success of Climate-Smart Commodities grant programs and ensuring benefits to farmers across the state.

farmer meeting, soil health, climate-smart ag

Are you hiring for your climate-smart project?

Click this link to share your job openings with the group.

Learn more about the working group

In May 2023, Minnesota Farmers Union convened a working group of stakeholders from across the state.

  • Find a summary of the May 3, 2023, meeting here.
  • Find the press release from the May 3, 2023, meeting here.
  • Find a summary of the Oct. 24, 2023, meeting here.
  • Find the press release from the Oct. 24, 2023, meeting here.
  • Find a summary of the May 22, 2024, meeting here.

More information on the here

The Minnesota Working Group is coordinated by Minnesota Farmers Union in partnership with Minnesota Milk, Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative and The Nature Conservancy.

For more information, contact Ariel Kagan, Climate and Working Lands Program Director.